Trans Canada Trail

By Electric Rideables

One of my large ongoing projects is to chronicle the entire coast-to-coast experience of the Trans Canada Trail, by various electric rideables.

The TCT is a nation-spanning trail network connecting all of Canada’s provinces and territories; from ocean & lake boat routes, to long stretches of wilderness; to the heart of Canada’s biggest cities—it’s one of the largest continuous trails in the world.

Sadly, I do not have the time, money, or means to do the entire thing in one go, so I’m doing it in sections. 200km here, 500km there. Over time, I’m working to piece together a cohesive west-to-east Youtube video series chronicling the unique adventure of the 7,700 route in a way that has never been done before—by PEVs!

It will be filmed out-of-sequence throughout various times of the year (so one segment may have been filmed after the next one on the playlist), but ordered to be in sequence from west to east.

From electric skateboarding the paved sections, to an autonomous electric raft on the western ocean sections, to wintertime trail coverage by electric snowboard—it’s gonna be wild!

For a complete list of PEVs to be used on the trail, check out the ‘PEVs’ link at the top of the page!